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Campus Overview

City Avenue Campus

Address: 1101 City Avenue, Wynnewood, PA 19096

Our Trailblazer Camp, Basketball, Reading and Math Clinic, and our Summer Boost programs take place on the beautiful 23 acres of Friends’ Central’s City Avenue campus which provides exceptional facilities for a variety of camp activities, regardless of the weather. Two gyms, soccer, baseball, lacrosse, and hockey fields provide campers with a variety of space for sports and games. Our makerspace, theater, and indoor swimming pool are used throughout the summer as well.  

Click here For City Avenue campus map

Old Gulf Road Campus

Address: 228 Old Gulph Road, Wynnewood, PA 19096

Tenderfoot Camp utilizes the Old Gulph Road campus in Wynnewood. This campus encompasses 18 acres and includes a makerspace, fields, a nature trail, a large outdoor swimming pool, a gym perfect for rainy days, and three playgrounds for campers to explore. Our well-equipped facility and varied terrain offer a place for young and curious minds to come alive!

Click here for Old Gulph Road Campus Map

The City Avenue campus is home to the Trailblazer Camp, Basketball, Reading, and Math Clinic, and Summer Boost. Our programs utilize every building and outdoor space of this vast campus, which buzzes with energy and joy all summer long.

The Middle School building on the City Avenue campus houses the Trailblazer office, Trailblazer bunks, Trailblazer specials classrooms, and Summer Boost classrooms.

The Old Gulph Road campus is the home of our Tenderfoot camp. This aerial view of the front of campus showcases the beautiful outdoor pool, the Ulmer Family Light Lab (right), the Gymnasium (center), and the Art and Music Building (left). These spaces are used by our Tenderfoot campers primarily for camp specials. The Art and Music Building also houses the Tenderfoot camp office.

This aerial view of the back of our Old Gulph Road campus showcases the Lower School Building (top right), the Lower School Classroom Building (left), and the Lower School Playground. Tenderfoot bunks are housed in the Lower School Classroom Building and our campers utilize the playground throughout the camp day.


The Main Building on the City Avenue campus


The Lower School Building on the Old Gulph Road campus