Tuition Assistance
Tuition assistance is available on an as-needed basis for tuition of the Basketball, Reading, and Math Clinic. To request financial assistance, please complete the Financial Aid Basketball, Reading, and Math Clinic application which will open on January 6, 2025.
Once the camper's application has been submitted, all parents/guardians of the camper must submit a copy of their 2024 Federal tax returns. All parent/guardian 2024 Federal tax returns must be submitted before we can award any tuition assistance. We cannot accept W2 forms, state tax returns, or federal tax returns from any year before 2024. Tax returns can be submitted via email to; by mail to Summer Programs, Friends’ Central School 1101 City Ave, Wynnewood, PA 19096; or in person. If you would like to drop off your tax return in person, please reach out to the Summer Programs office to make an appointment.
Financial aid applications and tax forms are reviewed by the directors of the Basketball, Reading, and Math program. Decisions are made based on income and need.
Tuition assistance decisions will be shared via email. $100 non-refundable deposit is due with all enrollments which will not be charged until after a camper's financial aid application has been reviewed and tuition assistance is awarded. Tuition assistance is only available for the tuition of the Basketball, Reading, and Math Clinic. After Care and One-on-One Basketball Instruction are not eligible for tuition assistance.
If you have any questions about the tuition assistance process, please reach out to the Summer Programs office at or 610-645-5132.